1988 - A Hazard Communication Program for the Jewelry Industry
1988 - A Hazard Communication Program for the Jewelry Industry
During the first Santa Fe Symposium on Jewelry Manufacturing Technology in September 1987, a number of questions were raised concerning the jewelry manufacturer ’s responsibilities regarding the Occupational Safety and Health Administration’s (OSHA) Hazard Communication Standard (HCS), also referred to as the Employee’s Right-to-Know Standard.
The intent of this presentation is to provide an example of a hazard communication program for the jewelry industry, as well as to address a portion of those questions that were raised during the 1987 symposium. Specifically, this paper will discuss the requirements under OSHA’s HCS, i.e. elements and activities that must be a part of every jewelry company’s hazard communication program (HCP), and provide additional information which will enhance the company’s program.
Author: Paul Pryor