1990 - Molding Methods and Shrinkage Factors
1990 - Molding Methods and Shrinkage Factors
This study is a continuation of the study presented at the Santa Fe Symposium 1989 session. All the same processes were used as well as measurement tools. The purpose of this part of the study was to examine the results of stress relief using different mold rubber compounds. In addition, this study examines the different molding methods.
The comparisons done with the stress relief mold frames generally showed that using either no stress relief hole or the largest feasible size yielded the most advantageous results. The variety of mold compounds tested show differing shrinkages under the same process conditions. Graphs were developed to compare these differences.
The use of plunger type mold frames was also studied. Along with these frames the pre-made type mold rubber was included and compared to regular cut mold rubber.
This study also includes a comparison of RTV compounds. The three RTV compounds studied showed a variation of shrinkages.
Authors: Louis Sanchez, Walter Judge