1990 - Personal Protective Equipment Versus Engineering/Ventilation Controls


1990 - Personal Protective Equipment Versus Engineering/Ventilation Controls


Each year at the Santa Fe Symposiums’s on Jewelry Manufacturing Technology a number of topics are presented concerning potential health and safety problems which can develop during the production of jewelry. Included in these concerns are the use of cyanide and ammonia; solvents, acids, cadmium, potential silica-type exposures, etc. Each year basic recommendations are presented to reduce and/or eliminate these exposures.

During the September, 1990 Santa Fe Symposium in Vail, Colorado information was presented on current state-of-the-art techniques typically used to reduce and/or eliminate occupational exposures to jewelry manufacturers. The presentation described both basic and specific information on Personal Protective Equipment, as well as Engineering and Ventilation Controls to deal with such exposures.

Information is presented on the primary elements necessary to develop a respiratory program; respiratory fit testing; record keeping, medical screening, User’s Cards, etc. In addition, information is described on strategies for eliminating exposures by industrial ventilation techniques, specifically, general versus local exhaust ventilation. Information is also discussed to remove exposures with proper local exhaust ventilation, as well as make-up/supply air techniques. Finally, examples are presented to illustrate specific styles of proper exhaust systems for a more effective removal of potential contaminants.

Author: Paul Pryor

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