1991 - Stress Corrosion Cracking Evaluation of Cast Products & Stamped Four-Claw Settings


1991 - Stress Corrosion Cracking Evaluation of Cast Products & Stamped Four-Claw Settings


The phenomenon of stress corrosion cracking as it relates to wrought gold jewelry alloys is explored in detail. Theoretical perspectives are evaluated to provide a framework for discussion of compositional effects, corrosive environments and stress requirements. A series of investigative experiments are summarized to relate the incidence of stress corrosion cracking to a complete series of commercially available gold jewelry alloys. Experimental results confirm many theoretical predictions indicating the inherent susceptibility of low karat gold materials. A series of case studies from manufacturing failures reinforce the experimental findings. Prevention of stress corrosion cracking and public policy considerations for enhancing understanding of the problem are also discussed.

Author: Greg Normandeau

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