1996 - An Overview of White Metal Casting and Finishing
1996 - An Overview of White Metal Casting and Finishing
“White Metal” is a general term covering a group o f white-colored metals of relatively low melting point (lead, antimony, bismuth, tin, cadmium and zinc) and the alloys based on these metals. The focus of this paper will be on the tin/lead alloys.
White metal casting is a process used throughout the jewelry industry for relatively low cost jewelry items. The process has many similarities to “Lost Wax Casting” and many of the techniques used by the lost wax caster can be utilized should he/she want to try their hand at “White Metal Casting”.
This paper will present a basic overview of the white metal casting process sometimes also known as CRMC (Centrifugal Rubber Mold Casting) or Spin Casting. The focus will be on the basics such as:
Model Making Methods (Including a Photopolymer Process)
Selection of Alloys
The making of the “Rubber Mold”
The Casting Process - Equipment/Production Methods
Finishing and Plating of “White Metal” parts
White metal casting can be a viable, low cost, alternative process to use to produce high perceived value jewelry items.
Author: Norman Lamontagne