1997 - Application of ISO 9000 to the Jewelry Industry


1997 - Application of ISO 9000 to the Jewelry Industry


World globalization led to the creation o f the International Organization of Standardization, over 100 member nations, and to the creation o f the ISO series of standards. Specific ISO standards provide spCecific technical specifications for products within many industries. General ISO standards such as ISO 9000, Model for a Quality System, and ISO 14001, Environmental Management System, are slowly finding their way into the Jewelry Industry. This paper discusses the application o f ISO 9000, and common components of ISO 14001, to the Jewelry Industry. The 20 sections o f the ISO 9000 standard are outlined with respect company operations of marketing, finance, human resources, manufacturing as related to the to achieving customer satisfaction and expectations, implementation costs, and benefits. The 20 sections are: Management Responsibility; Quality System; Contract Review; Design Control; Document and Data Control; Purchasing; Control of Customer Supplied Product; Product Identification and Traceability; Process Control; Inspection and Test; Control of Inspection; Measurement; and Test Requirement; Inspection and Test Status; Control o f Nonconforming Product; Corrective and Preventive Action; Packaging; Control o f Quality Records; Internal Quality Audits; Training; Servicing; and Statistical Techniques.

Author: Clare A. Heiberger

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