1997 - Whither R&D? The Technology Needs of the Gold Jewellery Manufacturing Industry


1997 - Whither R&D? The Technology Needs of the Gold Jewellery Manufacturing Industry


Technology plays an important role in the gold jewellery manufacturing business, impacting on design, productivity, profitability, competitiveness and conformance to health, safety and environmental regulations as well as enhancing the physical quality of the gold jewellery product. To meet the industry's technology needs, World Gold Council sponsors collaborative research and development projects. The basis of the R & D project programme has been a survey of the industry’s needs carried out 7 years ago in the developed markets of Europe, Japan and the USA. Since that time, there have been significant changes affecting the industry, not least being health, safety and environmental issues and the growing strength and competitiveness o f the industry in the emerging countries.

This presentation describes the results of a new survey carried out in 8 countries in 1996, including those in both the Developed and Developing Markets. Not surprisingly, some new technology needs appear in the ‘top ten’, reflecting the changing priorities of the industry, as well as differences in the perceived needs between developed and developing markets. This updated list o f priorities forms the basis o f the Council’s ongoing collaborative R & D programme.

Author: Dr. Christopher W. Corti

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