2002 - Finding Hidden Money in Your Manufacturing System
2002 - Finding Hidden Money in Your Manufacturing System
This is a technical paper about improving your bottom line. Factories leave money lying on the table every day because they don't know it is there. There are many commonly accepted jewelry manufacturing practices that waste time and money. Sometimes habits are formed that are not re-evaluated as technology changes. Often companies become focused on overcoming technical difficulties that are preventing them from getting quality products out of their factory and to their customers, and neglect things that could be done at the same time - and sometimes with the same effort - that would greatly improve their profit. You will get helpful information, some of it anecdotal, including tricks on how to make better models and improve production consistency using computer spreadsheets. Learn how a little housekeeping and the application of some simple rules of mathematics, chemistry, and physics can apply to jewelry manufacturing, and how they have saved companies millions of dollars annually. This paper will help you see that money, pick it up and put it in your pocket - right now.
Author: J. Tyler Teague