2006 - Titanium Casting and Working Process for Jewelry Manufacturing


2006 - Titanium Casting and Working Process for Jewelry Manufacturing


Ever increasing in popularity, titanium offers a lost-cost addition to gold and silver jewelry with interesting characteristics and effects. Jewelers and their customers appreciate its color, low weight and biological inertness. Titanium can be cold-worked and cast as well, but requires particular techniques, tools, machines and material in order to achieve the right result. This presentation will transfer the know-how and describe the following processing techniques: casting techniques with several special machines and materials; first world's stone-in-place casting with a list of suitable stones; several cold-working processes and their required tools and machines; possible hand-working processes and particular tools; particular soldering and linking techniques; and adequate finishing techniques and effects, including a special anodizing (coloring) technique and some samples of finished jewelry.

Author: Dr. Hubert Schuster, Dr. Alberto Gagliano

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