2016 - Mokume Gane History and How-To: A Survey of Technique


2016 - Mokume Gane History and How-To: A Survey of Technique


Presented by: Chris Ploof—Chris Ploof Designs, USA and James Binnion—James Binnion Metal Arts, USA

This paper will showcase the history and technique of mokume gane from its beginnings in feudal Japan to its use as a jewelry material by modern smiths around the world. Mokume gane is a demanding technique that even those well versed in jewelry metals struggle with. This presentation will illustrate the techniques used daily by two of the most prolific makers of quality mokume gane in the world. The scientific method will be stressed rather than scientific testing. This is a practical "how-to" presentation, and is the first time the full process in daily use will be presented with a goal of showing a person with general skills in jewelry making how to make mokume gane like the experts.

Author:  Chris Ploof

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